Hands-on equipment demonstrations


Hands-on equipment demonstrations

IBRO Workshop 2022, 27-28 January 2022, ELTE, Budapest
animalab logo.png
Image Science Linkedin Logo.png
Main sponsors have separate exhibition rooms nearby the Sphere Hall on the ground  oor for hands-on equipment demonstrations

Room 0.58

Image-Science Ltd
contact: Patrícia Varju patricia.varju@imagescience.hu
LVEM25 Transmission Electron Microscope workshop combined with the demonst- ration of the RMC Boeckeler Powertome Ultramicrotome

Room 0.59

Carl Zeiss Technika Ltd
contact: Gábor Galiba gabor.galiba@zeiss.com
Discover the ZEISS Lightsheet 7 LIVE in Budapest

Room 0.60

AnimaLab Hungary Ltd
contact: Mark Hedberg info@animalab.hu
A series of introductory and interactive sessions on advanced tools in Brain Research